Simple Acorn Squash

Simple Acorn Squash

When I think of squash I immediately think fall. Fall being a beautiful and a festive time of year with leaves changing colors and the gathering of family and friends. The countless hayrides and the Thanksgiving feasts where we all tell ourselves that its ok to eat too much because the holidays are only once a year. And then there is the New Years resolutions that you will make to loose all the extra pounds from all the slices of pies and holiday cookies you consumed.

In our house we always eat like its a holiday, people joke and say eating with us is like eating at a restaurant. That being said I am always looking for new ways of making things and Acorn Squash is one that I plan on experimenting a lot with.

While standing in line at the grocery store an older gentlemen asked what I was buying. I said its an Acorn Squash and I’m gonna bake it. He laughed and looked at me like I was crazy. Then I thought to myself how does he not know what an acorn squash is? I expect it from a young cashier who probably lives on McDonalds and chips, but not from someone older then me. What are people eating these days? How are they getting nutrition? If you add acorn squash to your diet you could reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes and possibly cancer. With high levels of antioxidants, the ability to boost your immune system and decrease inflammation. Its an easy side to make with any meal and has amazing health benefits.

Acorn Squash is packed with vitamin A and C, potassium, fiber and so much more. You can feel good about what you are eating. And if you have children add some butter and brown sugar and you will have them not only eating their veggies but liking them! On top of the health benefits Acorn squash is affordable and you only need 1 to feed 2 people. Did I mention it has an awesome shelf life? You can buy today totally forget about it and if stored in a dark cool place can last up to a month or 2 weeks in the fridge.

Note: Don’t discard the seeds you can roast the for a healthy snack alternative.


  • 1 small Acorn Squash

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 tablespoon butter

So for those who have never made or eaten and Acorn Squash, this recipe is simple and delicious. I hope you enjoy!


  • Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
    Rinse acorn and pat dry.
  • With a sharp chef knife carefully cut squash in half and scoop out seeds.
  • Lightly coat inside with olive oil, salt and pepper.
  • On a lined baking sheet out acorn flesh side down and bake for 30-45 mins or until tender.
  • Once tender add butter and enjoy. Note: If you want to add a little sweetness you could add brown sugar.
    Tip: I use a cast iron skillet in place of baking sheet as it adds a nice brown caramel outside to the flesh of the squash.
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